David C. Evans Awards Information

Students will be considered for the following two David C. Evans Awards:

  • The David C. Evans Award for Outstanding Scholarship, and
  • The David C. Evans Award for Outstanding Artistic and Creative Work.

The recipients of these awards will be undergraduates in the School of Arts and Sciences, typically of senior standing, who have completed independent scholarship or creative work of unusually high quality. It is expected that such accomplishments will far exceed what is normally expected of and accomplished by undergraduates. The projects for which awards are given may originate within the context of a course, but they will typically have been pursued independently and demonstrate accomplishment well beyond the general requirements and limits of the regular curriculum.

Because these awards customarily recognize truly superior student accomplishments, departments should not feel that they must nominate a student every year. For those reasons as well, departments should not nominate more than one student unless they feel their nominees' achievements to be so compelling as to warrant such an extraordinary step.


The deadline for submissions for the 2025 David Evans Awards Nominations is Friday, March 28, 2025.

Please follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare Nomination Materials:

Nomination letters from department chairs or program coordinators should be addressed to the Undergraduate Research Committee and detail why the student is worthy of recognition — including appropriate supporting documentation for evidence mentioned in the nomination letter (e.g., copies of papers or works of art; links to performances, and conference or journal acceptance letters).

Step 2: Faculty should save the document(s) as follows:

Save the nomination letter as either a .docx or .pdf file. Use the following naming conventions:

  • LastName-FirstName-DEA-Nom.docx or
  • LastName-FirstName-DEA-Nom.pdf

Step 3: Email your documents

Nominations and relevant supporting materials should be submitted electronically to Barb Schaible, academic administrative coordinator, in the A&S Dean’s Office (barb.schaible@richmond.edu) by the deadline mentioned above.