A&S Awards
Many scholarships and awards are presented to students in the School of Arts & Sciences by their individual departments and programs; however, there are school-wide honors that are presented to Arts & Sciences students each year at A&S Honors Convocation.
David C. Evans Awards
David C. Evans was a professor in the Department of History, an expert on Japanese history and culture, and an associate dean in the School of Arts & Sciences. He was dedicated to expanding opportunities for students to engage in independent scholarship and creative work. In 1997, the School began honoring students who seized the very opportunities that Evans worked so hard to create.
Each April, the School of Arts & Sciences awards the David C. Evans Award for Outstanding Scholarship and the David C. Evans Award for Outstanding Artistic and Creative Work at Honors Convocation.
A&S Paper Competition
Students presenting research projects in the A&S Student Symposium are eligible for the Paper Competition. Submitted papers will be judged by the Undergraduate Research Committee.
A&S Art Competition
Students participating in the A&S Student Symposium whose research projects entail musical composition, choreography, playwriting, paintings or other original projects (such as paintings, sculpture, drawings, or video) are eligible for the Arts Competition.
A&S Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award
Our faculty plays a vital role in our undergraduate research program, sharing their expertise and guiding students through their projects. The role of a faculty mentor requires a great commitment of time. Many of our faculty mentors go above and beyond in supporting our student researchers, and we are thrilled to recognize them with our Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award.
A&S Symposium Sustainability Awards
Students participating in the A&S Student Symposium whose projects concern sustainability are eligible for the Sustainability Competition