Travel to Conferences

Students who conduct research as undergraduates in the School of Arts & Sciences are eligible to apply for funding to offset the travel cost of presenting their work at a professional conference. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but must be submitted at least one month prior to travel.  Candidates must be current or returning students in order to be eligible to apply for a URC travel grant. Graduating students are also eligible, providing that 1) they have received official acceptance notification for papers scheduled for post-graduation conference presentation at least a month before graduation; and 2) that they submit all expenses for reimbursement at least a month before their graduation date.

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  • Eligibility

    Any Arts & Sciences undergraduate student is eligible to participate. Travel awards are generally limited to one award per student or up to $1,500.00 per academic year for domestic travel and $2,000.00 international travel to present work at a professional conference. Please contact your adviser and the chair of the URC if this funding is not sufficient to attend a major conference.

    Graduating seniors may apply to attend conferences scheduled for after graduation providing that the student paper has been accepted and the application is completed and filed six weeks before graduation.

  • Items That May Be Funded
    • Transportation, lodging (3 days, 2 nights), meal per diem, and registration fees to present the results of research at professional conferences. Application for this should be made separately from the application for research funding and only after a student’s paper or project has been accepted for presentation. A copy of the acceptance letter should be included in the application.
    • Transportation, lodging (3 days, 2 nights), meal per diem for three days, and registration fees to present research at special research-related workshops, conferences, institutes, and symposia.
    • If travel is international, the student must consult with the Office of International Education at least two weeks before travel.
    • For individually initiated travel to libraries, archives, etc., students should apply for a research grant.
  • Procedures
    • Students must submit one copy of the application form as an email attachment to the Grants and Research Specialist, Robert Plymale,, in the Arts & Sciences Dean’s Office.
    • Applications must be signed by the faculty mentor and include an abstract of the presentation and documentation of abstract acceptance.
    • Travel award requests will be accepted on a continual basis and will be considered when submitted. Please allow at least six weeks for an application to be evaluated, processed, and an account set up.
    • Applications are evaluated by the undergraduate research committee composed of the associate dean for research support and faculty members representing the broad areas of the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. The associate dean for research support will notify applicants in writing of the committee’s decision concerning their application.
    • At the time the award is made, an expiration date will be established consistent with the projected timetable contained in the application. All expenses should be submitted by that time and within 60 days after travel.
  • Disbursements
    • Pre-conference expenses, up to $1,500.00 domestic travel and $2,000.00 international travel, such as airfare, train fare, conference registration etc. can be charged on the departmental P-Card.
    • Travel costs, up to $1,500.00 domestic travel and $2,000.00 international travel, directly paid by the student, can be reimbursed by the A&S Dean’s Office.
    • Receipts must be turned in within 60 days to be reimbursed for travel in accordance with IRS rules.
    • Funds will not be available for student use beyond the expiration date established at the time of the award. Any unspent funds will remain with the University upon the expiration date.
Information on this page pertains to travel after 10/04/2022.