Wyatt Tee Walker Symposium

October 22, 2018

The School of Arts & Sciences kicked off our Contested Spaces: Race, Nation, and Conflict programming with a celebration of the life and contributions of the Reverend Wyatt Tee Walker. From Chief of Staff for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to Executive Director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to the largest single developer of affordable housing in New York City, Reverend Walker held many pivotal roles in contesting racially defined spaces. The Symposium included a preview into the materials he donated to the University of Richmond, a panel discussion on his contributions, as well as a keynote lecture centered on the Poor People's Campaign, delivered by Reverend Joseph Evans.

Watch the panel discussion.

Watch the keynote.

This event was hosted by the Office of the President, the Office of the Provost, and the School of Arts & Sciences, with special support from the Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt Tee Walker Collection at the Boatwright Memorial Library.