Bombings in Paris, Beirut and Ankara

The recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, Ankara and other locations shock human conscience and raise unsettling questions. The University of Richmond is a global institution; to help the University community make sense of and cope with these events and their consequences, the School of Arts and Sciences organized two teach-in sessions. Several faculty and students with expertise and personal experience shared brief remarks to lead off an informal dialogue with those in attendance. We invite you to view the videos of each day's discussion below. The list of panelists for each session is provided.

November 19 Teach-In

Sheila Carapico (Professor of Political Science and International Studies)
Peter Smallwood (Associate Professor of Biology)
Shahan Mufti (Assistant Professor of Journalism)
Lisa Jobe-Shields (Assistant Professor of Psychology)
Spencer Bakich (Visiting Lecturer of Political Science)
Glyn Hughes (Director of Common Ground)
Chloe Lubin-Kirchner (student, International Studies and Chinese Studies, French native)
Nail Kara (exchange student from Bilkent University)
Moderator: Elizabeth Gruner (Associate Dean, School of Arts and Sciences)

November 20 Teach-In

Martha Merritt (Dean of International Education)
Stephen Long (Associate Professor of Political Science)
Sara Pappas (Associate Professor of French)
Yucel Yanikdag (Associate Professor of History)
Clement Verde (exchange student from Science Po)
Dinç Çiftçi (student from Turkey)
Marcin Jerzewski (international student from Poland)
Nicole Stroner (former student currently studying in France)
Moderator: Vincent Wei-cheng Wang (Associate Dean, School of Arts and Sciences)